
"Accreditation" and "ECO Label" are significant concepts in the fields of quality and sustainability, and each represents a process of assessment and approval based on specific standards and criteria. However, they differ in their focus areas and objectives.
Accreditation typically refers to the process by which an organization, educational program, laboratory, or any institution is evaluated and approved by an independent authority to meet certain standards and quality criteria. This process demonstrates that organizations or programs comply with professional standards and competencies in a specific area or sector. Accreditation is commonly applied in various fields such as education, healthcare services, laboratory testing, and other professional services.
The ECO Label, on the other hand, is a certification or mark specifically used for eco-friendly products and services. This label indicates that a product or service complies with certain environmental standards. Based on criteria such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable resource use, the ECO Label assures consumers that the environmental impact of the products is low. It contributes to environmental sustainability by promoting sustainable consumption.
While both concepts aim to maintain and promote a certain level of quality and standards, accreditation has a broader scope, whereas the ECO Label is specifically focused on products and services related to environmental sustainability.
Accreditation is the certification of various management systems, certification of products and services, and certification of laboratories by local and foreign accreditation organizations.
In short, which certification authorities are accredited by accreditation bodies, according to which the standards can be summarized as follows:
• Organizations that certify management systems are accredited in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17021 "Conformity assessment" for organizations that provide verification and certification of management systems. This standard consists of several sections, and each section is designed for different requirements. I.e,
o Requirements of chapter 1
o Chapter 2 Qualification requirements for the examination and certification of environmental management systems
o Chapter 3 Competency Requirements for Verifying and Certifying Quality Management Systems
o Chapter 4 Qualification Requirements for the Exam and Certification of Event Sustainability Management Systems
o Chapter 5 Qualification Requirements for Verifying and Certifying Asset Management Systems
o Chapter 6 Qualification Requirements for Verifying and Certifying Business Continuity Management Systems
• Product certification bodies are accredited in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17065 Conformity assessment - Standard for product, process and service certification bodies.
• Inspection bodies are accredited according to a common standard of criteria for the work of various types of inspection bodies.
• Laboratories are accredited in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 for adequacy of testing and calibration laboratories.
• Personnel certification bodies are accredited in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17024 Conformity assessment - General conditions for personnel certification bodies and ISO 15189 Medical Laboratories - Quality and qualification standard.
Our organization, the ECO Label Institute, evaluates the institutions that provide certification services based on the standards described above and, if necessary, retires. In addition, the ECO Label Institute complies with the requirements of standards for accreditation bodies accredited in accordance with ISO / IEC 17011. Conformity assessment - Conformity assessment bodies in their organization, organization of activities.
The ECO Label Institute provides accreditation services to certification and conformity assessment bodies and laboratories that will operate in various sectors with a strong technological infrastructure and a trained and experienced specialist.