Technical Committees of ECO Label

Our organization ECO Label Institute has many goals: to be reliable, to be an accreditation organization not only in our country, but also to have transparent management and be equal, impartial and open to all organizations as a requirement of this and provide quality service. To achieve these goals, ECO Label has defined a systematic method of work and established technical committees, each of which is specialized, trained and experienced.
The main committees set up at the ECO Label Institute are:
• Standardization Technical Committees
• Textile technical committees
• Food technical committees
• Agricultural Technical Committees
• Chemical technical committees
• Water technical committees
• Technical committees of building materials
• Technical committees of cosmetics
• Energy technical committees
• Cleaning technical committees
• Technical committees for detergents
• Technical packaging committees
• Mineral technical committees
• Medical technical committees
• Technical forestry committees
The main duties and responsibilities of these technical committees are:
• Identify technical criteria related to accreditation based on general and process requirements.
• Examine the compliance of requirements and expectations of organizations that will conduct a conformity assessment of a product or service, or certification of various management systems, or certify laboratories' competencies.
• Examine these requirements and expectations in accordance with international events and local and foreign standards.
To meet these requirements, individuals who will work on technical committees must be competent, educated, and experienced. Technical committees are composed of impartial and independent individuals who have sufficient training, experience, and technical competence in waist accreditation and are familiar with the relevant sectors.
An important responsibility of technical committees is to support the development of ECO Label activities. To this end, technical committees publish explanatory, guidelines and regulations and communiques within the organization.
Finally, ECO Label continues to cooperate with local and foreign accreditation organizations in developing and strengthening the accreditation sector, following publications in this area and closely following new methods and practices.
The ECO Label Institute provides accreditation services to certification and conformity assessment bodies and laboratories that will operate in various sectors with a strong technological infrastructure and a trained and experienced specialist.